The Revenge


The Revenge 〰️

5-6 mins for whole chapter 1 : 3 scenes

The flashbacks

<screenplay note : None of the flashbacks are told to Declan . They are only shown to the audience. As needed mix up visuals of old scenes with NRD director’s voice over>

Chapter 20: Continuation of the scene after the Lyon, the NRD director(CIA's domestic wing since CIA can not operate on American Soil) drops the listening device to the drink, The plan is to capture the remote commander who controls

<Start with dropping the mic to the drink>

Lyon keeps going “Apparently someone is curious” He holds up the glass and shakes it for everyone to see. The plastic ear piece floats over it. Smiles , then thinks for a second, composes himself to a serious tone.

“Now that we are bug free, let me start from the beginning”

He corrects his throat and continues “As you all already know, we have sleeper cells all over the states and many European countries. Mostly they are not dangerous. Day Today folks with vengeance or twisted ideology” ..Pauses and then talks to himself for a second “what do we expect, either they lost their land or loved ones for our greed” . All along the Sr FBI agent looking at Lyon’s lips in a non agreeing look.

Lyon continues, changes his tone to a firmer and a little louder voice, “The up tops in the enemy gang are the real threats. They use the naivety of common people to server their own agenda which is most of the time is their extreme religiously conservative ideology . They normally don’t come out to do their own work.”

Lyon continues after a second’s pause “If we want to prevent further attacks on us, we need to find out these high officials and destroy them”

He takes a minute to look at everyone to make sure if they are following him. Everyone was glued at him. He continues,

“Thanks to our MOZZAD friends and their shared heritage and language with our enemies, we have intruded some of those organizations and get to know their next operation’s locations”

“So, what’s the problem? we can wait for them and destroy them” one of the Sr FBI agent asks.

Lyon, “The problem “ “The problem is we just know where. We don’t know when , how, who or what’s the plan. Even the head of those local groups don’t know the plan. The plan is separated from leaders as well as executers. The mid level operatives who plan it use other to execute it. They are mostly unknown and in hiding. Even the public faces of these orgs don’t know where they are. But.. ” drinks a sip of water

“But luckily we have an ally in NYC sleeper cell,. He recruited few more of our under cover agents and disposed few of that group for us to inquire”<Show disposing from chapter 7, just before Declan arrives at that location> “this time for once we know when. But still don’t know how or who”
”When?” Sr FBI agent breaks his silence

“Three days from Today.”

“Do we know where the attack would be?”

“somewhere in New York city”

“That is not enough” Sr FBI agent grins

“I know” “Don’t you think I know” Lyon friendly pissed of tone

“What else do we know? How does it link to this Major?” Sr. FBI agent asks. “And, what game are you playing now?” pointing to the glass and bug in it.

Lyon gets more serious, “That is the tricky part.”


“Major Declan who you, the FBI saved” Lyon Points to the Sr. FBI agent while saying saved making air quotes with his fingers. “ …was a drone operator in Afghanistan in 2004. He was given orders to bomb down a gathering of one such enemy gathering” Again air quotes “Gathering” , “But he bombed a birthday party instead. Four generations of a single family died in a push of a button on that day…except one”

“Who survived?”

“Father of the birth day girl” while saying this Lyon’s voice shows remorse.

Sr FBI agent keeps looking at the Lyon’s face. “Let me guess, he is your inside man. He needs Declan” “Am I right?”

Lyon nods ‘Yes’. His face clearly shows the internal debate he is having over the matter. He continues,

“We did not want Declan to be the one working with Angar who does not know about Declan’s relevance to the incident. So we saved him. We took your name” …All FBI agents glued to Lyon’s speech. “But now we are running out of time, I gave a go ahead to snatch Declan. But at the same time., I want him to protect himself. So I let his friend hear the first part of our conversation”

“Does Angar know Declan is the drone operator”

Lyon nods ‘No’ and follows it by saying '“no”

“hm..Its tricky situation”…”Do we know why Declan is needed?” Sr. FBI agent continues his questioning

Lyon takes a deep breath “Not really. If I have to guess being a drone operator I think the plan must be related to drones. Declan also a combat specialist. So other options may also be open” “We planted few bugs in Angar’s office, hopefully we will know more when the guy or guys reach”

Sr FBI agent frowns his face “One thing is not clear”

“What is it?”

“How did they find Declan?”

“Our Afghan servers are not as safe as we want them to be. Though we have satellites guiding, we still need servers near by to bounce off cryptic data. And our enemies are not as dumb as we want to believe they are“

All look pale. Silence for 15 seconds <Trolley showing all> then <scene fads to the end of previous scene>

“why is that guy helping you?”

“ I don’t know”

“Can we trust him?”

“ We will know in three days. But he helped to plant our guys inside. So there is hope”

At a different time and opposite side of the world

Mr.X and Miss Y are in a semi lit room. The monitors flicker.

“ is it successful ?” Mr X asks .

“One of our goal is’ Miss Y answers

“They did not deduct it . right?”

“Yes. Our hack for one of their local server is also successful. We got some data , not sure how helpful it is”

Declan’s incident report flashes on the screen.

“and what is the failure”

“We could not go beyond 10 thousand feet” “Also the antenna is not that powerful to handle multiple hacks at the same time”

“We may have to bounce of many satellites.”

“Only few spy satellites are orbiting around us. If we can infiltrate the states we may be able to achieve more. Still we need some skillful operator who did it before”

Mr. X looks at the screen, decryption complete and Declan’s name flashes

“at what altitude we need it to be”

“We need it to be at 35 thousand feet to position for 30 minutes” “We can plant more than one drone across, and use a control drone to relay the commands” “We only need one drone operator who has done this before”

Mr. X reads through Declan’s file.

“How long after the hack you need to disable the satellites”

“If we have the control code , may be another 10 minutes. By that time we can hack the satellites and disable their remote command centers, disable communication. Then it will be a fair fight. Before the can come backup, we would have won”

“Don’t you think they have a backup plan”

“Backup plans are mostly more than two command centers and radio communications, there will be delay if we coordinate it with our allies”

Mr. X completes reading through the incident report and Declan’s history

“I think we found our drone operator” “ I also found who has to work with him”.. It was Angar

<A drone shot of Drone is still at 10K feet.. Master shot from a height>

Present day, many drones situated at various cities of USA bases across the world. WV, NV, TX, Washington, Israeli, Saudi, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc , Each location has a small drone ready to launch, the terminals and some local controls <Green mat shots>

<jump to last scene of previous chapter>

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