The Revenge


The Revenge 〰️

5-6 mins for whole chapter 1 : 3 scenes

The big reveal

A van parks in a Greenwich village (Rich NYC suburb) neighborhood Hotel’s loading/unloading Dock after midnight. Declan is rolled out from back of the van into the building via dock . he is on a wheel Chair. <Scene fads out>

Declan opens his eyes<top angle and swirl zoom in to closeup and eyes closeup>. Declan is on the floor, sitting against a wall of a room.. The room is empty. Walls are white. Some wall cabinets. The centralized air flow sounds is the loudest sound in the room . His eyes still closed when Angar walks in . Angar has his hands behind him, holding tight, walking majestic like a Major, <Camera pans back to the shoulder or Angar> . Declan wakes up slowly. Angar with the same grin on his face staring at him.

It takes almost a full minute for Declan become fully conscious,

On a different room in one of the floors above, five guys monitoring the basement via security cameras where Declan and Angar are standing at different angles.

Two guys guarding the room where Declan and Angar are.

Declan Wakes up completely, he slowly recognizes Angar . Their eyes meet. Declan gives an angry look to Angar. Angar is almost emotionless looking at Declan. Their staring goes on for almost a minute while someone walks in Carrying unconscious Angelina in his arms.

Upon Seeing Angelina Declan Screams “Angi”. He tries to get up but falls face down tripping on his tied legs.

That guy bring Angelina near Declan and puts her down with a victorious smile on his face. Declan crawls to her. Gets to her and makes sure she is alive. Her mouth and hands are tied. The other guy tries to grab Angelina again out of Declan’s reach and tries to take her away, By this time Angelina is awake and screams in fear.

Angar has been watching all these , he recalls the last moments of the drone attack, him searching in the smoke and finding Moni’s legs. <the scene cuts back and forth between the tight close of Angar’s eyes and the flash back of bombing> .

Angar flips and swipes the leg of the guy approaching Angelina, Angelina falls from his arms, Angar attacks his neck with his hands, bang on his head. As he falls on knees , grabs his throat preventing him from screaming, he holds his head and now he has a small knife. He takes a pause and looks at Declan and then looks at Angelina. She is still in fear with her eyes wide open and shock observing all that is happening.

He looks at Declan again as he holds the knife against the guys throat, though confused and completely unexpected Declan understand what is about to happen . He crawls to Angelina with a confused look in his eyes, He thought Angar was going to attack his daughter. All along trying to protect Angi from him. But now, he had enough time to reach Angi, sit up and Wraps his tied arms around her and buries her face in his shoulders.

The second after Angar made sure Angi can not see them, Angar cuts the guy’s throat. The guy lets out a “hck, hck” sound . Declan watches it with a surprised, awed eyes and emotions. His hand instinctively burry Angie’s face further to his shoulders. He covers her ears also

The two guard's come in and finish that guy’s last moments and clean up his body and body. In the monitoring room, the two guys attack, kill the third person and hide his body.

Declan gets more confused and surprised. He looks at Angar . Angar is back to his old self. The emotionless eyes, he stars at Declan’s eyes. He walks to Declan, sits in front of him staring sharply at him. Then looks at the security cameras at all four corners <Right body profile of Kneeled down Angar and back profile of Declan from bottom to top angle>, The red dots indicating the cameras are on are shut off, (close up), all four of it. <We can show the control room>

<Editing note: As Angar walks go to flashbacks one by one in chapter 24, Angar’s dialogue to Declan is at the end of last flash back>

Angar takes the knife and places it on Declan’s back pocket , reachable from his hands.

“In Two days Sleeper cell commander arrives.” “He needs you” <looks at Delays face> “Use it” Then looks at Angi

“Keep her close” “and safe”

By this time the Cameras starting to come back up again. Angar grabs Declan’s face as if he is hurting him, and pushes his face.

“She will get it , if you don’t cooperate” firmly warns as walks back to exist the room

All this time Declan is in shock. One thing he understood was there is a undercover operation waiting for some high commander of enemy. But still he could not help but panic when Angar comes near Angie


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