The Revenge


The Revenge 〰️

The (Ex) Knight

Scene 1

Opening shot shows Manhattan streets being busy with walkers, three shots show the walkers from closeup, foot closeup, wide street. People with suites, skates, Scooters, cyclists, dog walkers, with Tatoo etc. Etc. Overlap the shots with Declan’s Voice over.

Declan is looking down the street from a doctor’s office window. Approximately from 20th floor. Show one shot of the street from his POV also.

Declan voice over
Manhattan, One of the busiest cities in the world. Those who live in NYC or her Suburbs always have some place to enjoy in Manhattan any time of the 24 hours in a day. I am one of them.

My name is "Declan J Reily", Ex Major
I lived in one of Manhattan’s many suburbs all my life. I still do. I enjoyed every pub and nightclub here in this city during my youth. But... right now, I am standing in a shrink’s office looking down through a glass window. I can see Manhattan has only gotten busier since I have known her. She still accommodates all. It’s one city where Rich and the homeless walk side by side. Sometime walking is the only way to get through her regardless of how much money one has.

Scene 2

In the doctor’s office Declan is still watching the street, right profile closeup. Phone’s ringing, one of the two receptionist picks up the phone and answers-

A nurse walks from behind Declan politely calling

Major. Declan! Dr. Sheila will see you now 

Declan voice over continues, Declan’s left profile face closeup and nurse left profile just in from of Declan

Declan VO

That call interrupts my thoughts. My heart jumped a beat of shame when she called me Major. I turned.  I started walking towards the door. I said,

“Thanks Amy”

Declan walks past the nurse.

“You are welcome, Major”.

Declan’s voiceover continues as he walks towards the doctor’s office. The nurse leaves the scene and goes to he office. Declan keeps walking. Voice over overlaps with him walking

Declan’s voiceover
I felt one more beat of shame. It caused a pain deep inside my heart.

That pain is the reason for me to be here. I am in a Shrink’s office, due to a mistake that I made a long time ago. Before I could finish that thought, I was already in the doctor’s office. There is a long couch for me to lay down, relax and share my feelings.

 Declan lies down face up. Straight ahead of me there is that ceiling again. Plain and finished. He starts to stare at that white ceiling pointlessly.

 Declan could still hear him in my head.

Off screen Voiceover of a military superior
“Major. 31.6272 North, 65.4556 East” as he hands over me a file.


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