The Revenge


The Revenge 〰️

5-6 mins for whole chapter 1 : 3 scenes

The Combat

Angi is scared as Angar pushes her inside this tiny room with no windows. A vent on the ceiling blowing the air. She watches as he closes the door with a force. She tries to talk to him

“Ang.”, before she could finish calling ‘Angar’ he already closed. Once the door closes the room lit up.

Angie is alone now. She feels Angar was angry. Earlier she was sure Angar was a friend who is just pretending to hate her and Declan. But she is not so sure now. That made her more anxious. Declan is also taken away from her, she felt lonely. She curls up at the corner of the room weeping.

The cold starts to flow through the vents.

Back to the time at the same office when someone hands over Angie’s picture to Angar.

“ Who is she?” Angar asks as he examines through Angie’s photo.

“The daughter of Declan.”


“Daughter of the person we are supposed to pickup for this mission”, he continues “The message is to kidnap her and him at the same time. She will be the leverage for us”

Angar looking Angie’s picture emotionlessly.

The other guy keeps continuing “After the work we will do the usual “ . Angar quickly looks up the guy’s face angrily.

Angie feels the cold increasing inside. She rubs her shoulders more, scared eyes. Air keeps flowing.

Angar looks up the time at his hand it has been 15 minutes . he sees a guard carrying a drone. He waits till the Guard leaves. Once he leaves he goes to the room where Angie is locked, pushes the wall. A Keypad comes out.

Angie feels the cold increasing inside. She rubs her shoulders more, scared eyes. Air keeps flowing. The digital display on the wall next to her powers on , It is a timer. The timer counts down the seconds. 59 minutes and 59 seconds to go.

The FBI agents with the assistance of NRD officers are preparing to move in at Angar’s office. They just heard undetectable. That is enough for them to panic. Making calls and scramble to reach the supervisors.

Meanwhile at Angar’s office, Declan switches the monitor on, initial programs load on the monitor. The joy stick starts to glow indicating it is active.

The drone at the top of that fifty floor building gets activated. As Declan pulls the lever of the joy stick in Angar’s office, it starts to lift off. It is invisible even from 20 feet height <long drone shot> just looked like a firefly lifting off. The NRD officers at the opposite building could not notice it either <long shot from their office a few blocks away>. It did not turn on any warnings to any agencies.

Mr. X and Miss. Y were happy after a minute of the take off.

“No one is noticing anything “ Miss Y appreciates herself for her work. She gets excited and hyper.

Declan is still not sure what is going on.

With an urgency of issue and sped up actions, Miss Y comes around to Declan watching the monitor. The she pushes Declan away from monitor and asks him only to handle the joy stick. She opens up another laptop from her bag and attaches to Declan’s monitor, uses her facial recognition and finger prints to unlock the application in the laptop. The monitor is showing the building beneath the drone via the camera inside the drone.

Miss. Y types something in her laptop it shows virtual reps of 4 Satellites, She is watching the movement of the Satellites, The coordinates change in the monitor with the Satellite’s’ movements. She does some calculations of coordinates in her hand held device (a version of iPad) , Shows the hand held device to Declan “Position the drone here”

Declan reads the coordinates and moves the joy stick, he deliberately misses.

Miss Y gets irritated “Don’t mess around Declan, we just need to say one word and you know what will happen to Angi”

This makes Declan comply, though reluctantly.

As soon as he positions the drone at that spot, Miss Y’s laptop starts running a program and establishes connections to all of those. The various Drones at various parts of the world lit up and lift up.

Miss Y continues to instruct Declan, “Declan keep following this latitude of this but maintain the same longitude” showing her laptop.

Declan keeps adjusting the joystick to maintain the position of the drone while also peeking at the other laptop. It seems to be connecting to a lot of servers and pulling data and issuing commands.

At the same time in one of military bases the middle East , a Missile launches. <Stock shot?>

The NRD office gets busy, they receive a message that the top secret servers are being hacked and an enemy missile is launched towards an ally. Satellites could not follow through the target of the missile as the tracking is lost. A panic sets in

“We have to move in now. What ever the heck is going on, is not good for any of us., We are in a position to look after the hostages, lets go all in and stop it”

Declan notices the log messages on the screen, what seem to be the servers going down. He could recognize the latitudes on those, servers in Langley (CIA HQ), servers in bases at middle east. He realizes he is helping to hack and bring down the communication and protection. If Satellites are under their control and GPS does not work , the may not be able to use remote launch. He has to make a decision now. He remembers Angie’s frightened face when he last seen her. But country is greater than his girl

He keeps the knife ready in his hand. “Miss. Y do you need any help with that ?” he tries to cautiously and slowly gets close and tries to grab the hand held device.

“ No. I can handle” , in that fraction of second she answers he moves fast and uses the knife to slash her wrists and throat, he moves like splash and pushes the knife through Mr.X’s throat from below. Both Mr.X and Miss Y are taking there last moments. All this took were one tenth of the second , event before the guards could recognize what is going on and start firing at him. He ducks and scrolls over grabbing the devices. By the time he rolled over the app locks up. Declan now needs to go out and scan Miss.Y’s face and finger while she is still alive. Or else the facial recognition may not work well. But he is taking fire.

One of the guard rushes out of that room covered in blood. As soon as Angar sees this he rushes to confront him. They fight. two more guards come out and fight .

The FBI/NRD team lands on the room and rush down the stairs , they could hear the guns blazing inside

In the security room Mr.X’s guards watch what is going and try to rush out only to be attached by Angar’s men, a fight breaks out there.

The FBI/NRD agents storm inside the office and start shooting who is not showing the secret sign.

Inside the room Declan dodging bullets. He could hear gun fight outside, when one of the guard is distracted he grabs a gun. using both Gun and the knife he takes cared of the guards with a little help from Angar’s team and FBI/NRD officers.

Once the guards are killed, He rushes to Miss.Y , in her dying moment he was able to unlock the app, he acts fast to stop all applications and it also unlocked the drone, he brings down the master drone. In other parts of the world also the drones dropping like flies within minutes. The military servers start to load again

While all this was going fine. One of the guard from the security room escapes from there and gets to Angar’s office. He goes to the closed room where Angie is and tries to disarm the electrical circuits that guard the room . Angar notices this and fights with him. Angar kills him in the process , but gets shot and falls down.

Bullet holes everywhere.

After he disarmed the drone, Declan starts to be very sad and crying

“Angie is alive” Angar tells him


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